Promote Child Development
E Center has adopted Frog Street curriculum. Frog Street is a research-based, builds foundational skills and honors diversity. The curriculum allows for developmentally appropriate learning environments that are filled with activities that will excite children. In addition, conscious discipline is embedded throughout the curriculum to ensure that children have the social and emotional foundations to be successful in school and life. Frog Street supports the State Learning Foundations, Early Learning Foundations, and Desired Results.
E Center is currently focusing on the following school readiness goals:
Social & Emotional Development
Literacy Knowledge & Language Development
Approaches to Learning, Creative Arts & Expression
Cognitive Development & General Knowledge
Physical Development & Health

We work with families to establish the positive nutritional habits and routines learned at school into their daily routines at home. Through nutrition activities we are able to introduce science, math, art, language, literacy and dramatic play. Mealtime is used as an opportunity for children to express independence and have positive adult-child interactions. All meals are served family style with the adults role modeling good habits while children are serving themselves and experimenting with a variety of nutritional foods.

In Family Services, we work in partnership with parents so that they can become advocates and leaders for their children. We encourage and support Foundations for Family Success, thereby closing the achievement gap, resulting in school readiness and positive child outcomes.

Social-Emotional and Developmental screenings are completed for all children ages 0-5 at the beginning of each program year. Completing these screenings allows for early intervention. E Center works closely with the parents of children who are diagnosed with special needs by providing them with the information and support needed to become effective advocates for their children. We promote the philosophy of inclusion, recognizing that all children benefit from a diverse classroom environment. Therefore, based on the best interest for the child and recommendations from the IEP, up to 25 % of our general education classroom enrollment may be children with disabilities.
In Family Services, we work in partnership with parents so that they can become advocates and leaders for their children. We encourage and support Foundations for Family Success, thereby closing the achievement gap, resulting in school readiness and positive child outcomes.

Head Start parents are encouraged and provided with a variety of opportunities to volunteer. Some of the opportunities for volunteering include participation in:
Parent Center Committee
Policy Council
Advisory Committees
Classroom Volunteering
Field Trips
Special Classroom Activities
Outdoor Maintenance projects
Interested in learning about any opportunities, once child is enrolled in program, contact the center director.